Promptly after returning from Ski Week, I visited my host brother’s school on an invitation to present about the USA. The wooden, three or four room cottage is by far the cutest school house I have ever seen! Inside, I found the place just as satisfactory, though my attention quickly shifted to the ecstatic children anticipating my arrival.

One of the teachers, who has an English husband, greeted me fluently and helped me translate some more complex ideas from my presentation to Slovak. Otherwise, I managed to present in my new language and answer some of the student’s questions! They had many (much more than any of the teenagers I have presented to.) Though, I must admit, most were about the details of my flight.

“Did you fly over an ocean?” “Was it a big plane?” “Which ocean?” “How long did it take?” (Additionally) “Do you have helicopters in the US?” “What kind of pets do you have?” “How many years have you lived in Slovakia?” (I don’t know where this last one came from) etc…

I so enjoy speaking in front of people, capturing their interest and imparting what I know. This is especially true for children! Their curiosity is inspiring and their energy infectious. I am so glad I got the chance to visit this small, village school. The funny thing is, I spoke about doing just this sort of thing prior to even flying out of the US and now that I am here, without having to do any of the seeking, the opportunity just neatly presented itself! Intention is a powerful thing.

Andrew Dundas